On 26-27 of March, M4D/MKLab/ ITI-CERTH Group researchers Konstantinos Karystinakis and Ilias Gialampoukidis participated in the Water market Europe and presented the project Climempower as the latest research of the group in the domains of climate resilience and climate adaptation.
ClimEmpower aims to bring together 14 organizations with a common mission to empower five South-European regions (Andalusia, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece and Sicily) facing high climate change (CC) risk and exceptionally low adaptive capacity to enhance their CC resilience. Our aim, as a consortium, is to enhance their CC resilience by establishing regional Communities of Practice (CoP) and co-creating resilient development strategies tailored to the needs and potentials of the participating regions. M4D – Multimodal Data Fusion and Analytics Group is a project partner and a Case Study Facilitator for the Greek trial responsible for developing a methodology to close data gaps in global, European, regional, and local datasets to be used in user-centric applications which will be tested and validated in regional trials.
For more news and updates, you can visit the project’s site

In the premises of the event, we found dissemination material of WaterverseEU which is another EU project that we participate as a group. WaterverseEU aims to connect water stakeholders by making data more interoperable for improved decision making. Specifically, Waterverse encapsulates services and tools for facilitating the whole data management life-cycle (from the collection of heterogeneous data, harmonization, managing, processing and visualization them) within the water sector, fostering the realization of a Water Data Space towards a Water-Smart Society. The project also contributes to the relevant initiatives around trustworthy data sharing, data provenance and FAIRness of data, and standardization from a water data perspective.
M4D is a Project Coordinator stressing and disseminating the project’s activities and initiatives concerning the Water Data Space.
For more news and updates, you can visit the project’s site