M4D on behalf of ITI-CERTH, has successfully co-organized one of the most large-scale International Security and Defence Conferences, the Research and Innovation Security Europe – Systems & Demonstrations Conference (RISE SD 2023)! The valuable outcomes of the Conference, which took place in the Greek island of Rhodes between the 29th to the 31st of May 2023, have been achieved under the high-level synergy of 37 EU funded projects. While some of the main topics of the Conference included the subject of Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe, the Effective management of E.U. external borders, the Enhancement of EU defence, and Cybersecurity infrastructure, the event speakers as well as the attendees participated in live demonstrations that brought them forward to experiencing the advancement of technological solutions!
Multimodal Data Fusion and Analytics Group (M4D), on behalf of the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), is pleased to have joined as a co-organizer, together with Satways Ltd, and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria. In doing so, M4D has accomplished its goal to further strengthen its position as a member of a large community of security stakeholders. The networking opportunities provided throughout the sessions have been fruitful in terms of engaging the audience in open discussions and valuable interactions with the presenters and panellists.
Finally, M4D expresses its gratitude to the representatives of DG HOME, CERIS, DRMKC, JRC, and REA, the European Cluster for Securing Critical Infrastructures, and the European Union Satellite Centre for contributing in sparking the audience’s interest in the field of Crisis Management, Border Security, and Public Safety with their expertise and insights. Having presented the projects, in which it participates as a Coordinator, MultiRATE and FaRADAI (HE projects), M4D provided valuable information on the current maturity level of evaluation solutions and products when identifying their deployment readiness, and the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies for trustworthy autonomous and frugal learning.