M4D coordinates, on behalf of ITI-CERTH, the implementation of another HE RIA project called ‘Evidence-based Participatory Decision Making  for Cancer Prevention through implementation research – ONCODIR’, which kicked-off at CERTH on the 12th of June 2023! The Consortium, consisting of 27 partners from 9 countries, aims to address the challenge of Colorectal cancer (CRC) through interdisciplinary co-creation activities, and by adopting risk-based stratification tools for citizens, integrated decision support tools for clinicians, and intelligent monitoring tools for policy makers.



In the following three and a half years the partners will design a framework to aid the formulation of a National Cancer Plan via decision support theories that deliver evidence-based cancer prevention programmes, as well as AI-powered multi-omics, retrospective data analytics, and Innovative AI-powered personalised prevention approaches, that can implement research-sourced directions. Stay tuned and follow us on social media, LinkedIn, and Twitter, to get all useful information about the upcoming validation of ONCODIR’s data-driven platform.