The 3rd Plenary meeting of the MultiRATE project which took place on December 13rd – 14th, 2023 at the Donostia-San Sebastián,Spain was a good reason to present both the development and improvement of the project itself and its importance in the EU R&D community.

The Horizon Europe MultiRATE project, coordinated by M4D/ ITI/ CERTH, represents a holistic framework for the MatUrity evaLuaTIon of ReAdiness level for security Technologies. The project aims to develop a holistic, homogenous and harmonized RL evolution methodology and calculator for R&D projects and solutions in the security domain, available to the EU R&D community.

During the 2nd consortium Plenary Meeting, a short internal workshop was held between the consortium partners while at the same time the Readiness Levels (RLs) and the progress in the Work Packages (WPs) evaluation were completed.

We highlighted the following impacts and results:

  • Ø  Harmonised methodology and approach across the EU, regarding the assessment of the maturity level of solutions developed by the EU R&D community.
  • Ø  Development of a holistic framework for maturity assessment (RL) to be used in EU R&D projects.
  • Ø  Development of seven RLs from different fields, which will be integrated into the holistic framework

 The solution that MultiRATE aims to provide is related to a web-based, open access holistic and cross disciplinary maturity evaluation calculator. Its main objectives focus on the following points:

  • Ø  Development of new holistic RL assessment methodology that will be open for use from the EU R&D community
  • Ø  Better planning of investments in R&D solutions to lead to the market
  • Ø  Clear picture of the potential use of solutions, based on holistic and quantitative maturity assessment
  • Ø  Open access without cost in the developed tool
  • Ø  Minimize the societal barriers between funding instruments, different consortiums and beneficiaries.


It will ultimately integrate these approaches into one framework that takes into consideration several RL domains, from technology to security, privacy, and ethics. To do so, the project will assess and apply the RL of all aspects of products, systems, and processes. It will also study existing evaluation methodologies.

You can read more about the project here.