IDEATION InlanD watErs in the digitAl Twin OceaN IDEATION (InlanD watErs in the digitAl Twin OceaN) aims to develop a digital twin of inland waters (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, snow, and ice). The project focuses on activities to ensure this digital twin is integrated and interoperable with the Digital Twin Ocean (DTO), creating a unified digital twin of the ocean and waters, thereby addressing the hydrosphere as a whole. IDEATION will rely on cross-border cooperation and the involvement and commitment of stakeholders at the European level by following the Water-oriented Living Labs (WoLLs) approach. Stakeholders will be engaged via Multi-Stakeholder Forums (MSF) using various engagement methodologies, such as focus groups, workshops, interviews, and questionnaires, tailored to the goals of the engagement and the context specificities. A comprehensive review will be…
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R3VOLUTION A rEVOLUTIONary approach for maximising process water REuse and REsource REcovery through a smart, circular and integrated solution R3VOLUTION (R3V) project will revolutionize industrial water management in the EU, providing key innovations that can enable economically, environmentally and operationally water reclamation projects (by addressing solutes and energy recovery challenges), and generate significant impact for the EU in the next decade. To pave the way towards sustainable and efficient water and resource consumption, R3V takes on the challenge of developing and demonstrating a resource recovery solution that will enable >90% water reuse across most intensive water industries, applicable upstream and downstream, whilst recovering >45% effluents solutes, >50% waste heat reuse and eliminate 100% of hazardous substances. R3V will investigate, develop and demonstrate tailored membrane-based treatment trains coupled with waste heat,…
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UP2030 Urban Planning and design ready for 2030 UP2030 aims to support cities in driving the socio-technical transitions required to meet their climate neutrality targets by leveraging urban planning and design. Within the project city stakeholders and local authorities will be supported and guided to put neutrality on the map of their communities in day-to-day actions and strategic decisions. An innovative methodology (5UP-approach) will be developed and applied through the co-development and implementation of science-based - yet practical - tools, and methods. Inclusive participation is key throughout the project’s full cycle of activities so that real needs of communities are reflected in the city-specific visions, and co-designed interventions maximise delivery of co-benefits. As such, UP2030 will have a measured positive impact on spatial justice in the pilots and give the…
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BeOpen BeOpen an Open framework for boosting EU High ValueDatasets from Public Sector In the last decade, open data production related to Public Sector is quickly increased due to different factors, in particular: EU Open Data Directive fostered the openness of specific typology of datasets from the Public Sector (i.e. High Value Datasets); the improvement of the smart city paradigms (e.g. IoT deployments, digital twins) has dramatically improved the production of city-related data accessible by citizens; private companies are more and more contributing to public sector/utilities data availability used by citizens in their everyday life. Anyway, actual data use by third-party services still remains a challenge; a lot of data produced by public authorities, even “officially open”, is still not discoverable or is accessible only by humans, in a heterogeneous…
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ICARIA Improving ClimAte Resilience of crItical Assets The frequency of natural disasters has steadily increased over the past two decades. It is far from irrational to assume that this trend could be significantly worsened in a short and long-time period according to reported climate change projections. With the help of a multidisciplinary team and a firm foundation, ICARIA aims to advance the use of asset-level modeling to better understand the direct and indirect effects of climate change caused by complex, cascading and compound disasters as well as the related risk reduction provided by suitable, sustainable, and affordable adaptation solutions. ICARIA focuses on both critical assets and infrastructures taking into account potential climate changes that can increase unexpected outages and failures, including but not limited to housing, natural, and land areas.…
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WATERVERSE Water Data Management Ecosystem for Water Data Spaces The WATERVERSE mission is to develop a Water Data Management Ecosystem (WDME) for making data management practices and resources in the water sector accessible, affordable, secure, fair, and easy to use, improving usability of data and the interoperability of data-intensive processes, thus lowering the entry barrier to data spaces, enhancing the resilience of water utilities and boosting the perceived value of data and therefore the market opportunities behind it. WATERVERSE takes a holistic, interdisciplinary approach in the water domain, blending together complementary competencies of 17 partners located in 10 EU countries, representing the water domain with Research organizations (including social sciences experts), water utilities, water domain technology providers and innovation companies, as well as the technical community that is driving the…
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WQeMS Copernicus Assisted Lake Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service Monitoring the extent of the effluents in the lake provides a warning about the risk of water contamination and contributes to impact mitigation strategies, both for the drinking water production and the environmental sustainability. WQeMS focuses its activities on the monitoring of lakes with the aim to provide an operational Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service, which enhances our ability to deliver drinking water in all EU member states. The project exploits Sentinel satellite data for quality monitoring at a finer spatial resolution level, following validated processes with in situ data. WQeMS provides extensive information about water quality by building a multi-temporal and high spatial resolution monitoring framework. The goal is the optimization of the use of resources by gaining access to…
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SMART-WATER Smart infrastructure for remote metering of water consumption and management of water demand The Smart-Water project is a research collaboration between the Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYATH), Apifon Telecommunications, and the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of the National Center For Research & Technology (CERTH) and focuses on the following objectives: 1) Designing an integrated prototype infrastructure for intelligent water system management that will use telemetry and remote control technologies to provide innovative services to the water company and the consumer. 2) Research and development of alternative technologies for the realization of the telemetering and remote control network with a real-life pilot test in the urban environment of Thessaloniki to evaluate the infrastructure’s reliability and efficiency. 3) Research, development and pilot testing of a management system for data…
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