The H2020 project ‘xR4DRAMA’ (Extended Reality For DisasteR management And Media plAnning) coordinated by CERTH – ITI – M4D, has been selected for publication in the ‘Results in Brief’ section of the European Commission’s CORDIS website, under the thematic category of ‘Extended reality enhances effective disaster management’. The article is available in six languages, while this publication adheres to the European Commission’s strategy on the dissemination and exploitation of research results, allowing the public to see the benefit of the EU’s science investment.
The article describes how the use of XR technologies can support two real-life scenarios, for example by creating realistic training experiences and offering a better understanding of a given disaster site that can be shared with First Responders.
As the coordination representatives from CERTH-ITI, Dr. Stefanos Vrochidis, Dr. Sotiris Diplaris and Mr. Spyridon Symeonidis, explained to the editorial team of CORDIS, xR4DRAMA project established an innovative and interactive XR platform, enabling professional team members and citizens involved in a disaster to efficiently communicate and exchange data with each other.
The Coordinator of xR4DRAMA, M4D, invites all interested stakeholders to visit the project’s website, and learn more about the project’s activities, its purpose, and the actual functionalities of the platforms that it developed.
You can read the full article here