TEXTAILES TEXTile digitisAtIon tooLs and mEthodS for cultural heritage The TEXTaiLES project aims to redefine the digitisation of Cultural Heritage (CH) textile objects and the development of AI-based processing tools, establishing a standardised protocol seamlessly integrated into the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH). By studying past and present practices in textile digitisation, TEXTaiLES methodically explores their strengths and limitations. The project will develop advanced tools that address the entire digitisation lifecycle of textile objects, focusing on non-destructive methods. Using robotic, cost-effective multi-sensor solutions, TEXTaiLES ensures the preservation of artefacts during digitisation, complemented by reliable data analysis workflows. The project integrates state-of-the-art AI technologies to illuminate the intricate details of textiles. From revealing their weaving patterns and microstructures to identifying degradation factors, the AI-driven toolkit offers in-depth insights. It…
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IDEATION InlanD watErs in the digitAl Twin OceaN IDEATION (InlanD watErs in the digitAl Twin OceaN) aims to develop a digital twin of inland waters (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, snow, and ice). The project focuses on activities to ensure this digital twin is integrated and interoperable with the Digital Twin Ocean (DTO), creating a unified digital twin of the ocean and waters, thereby addressing the hydrosphere as a whole. IDEATION will rely on cross-border cooperation and the involvement and commitment of stakeholders at the European level by following the Water-oriented Living Labs (WoLLs) approach. Stakeholders will be engaged via Multi-Stakeholder Forums (MSF) using various engagement methodologies, such as focus groups, workshops, interviews, and questionnaires, tailored to the goals of the engagement and the context specificities. A comprehensive review will be…
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NANCY An Artificial Intelligent Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution The overall aim of NANCY is to introduce a secure and intelligent architecture for the beyond the fifth generation (B5G) wireless network. Leveraging AI and blockchain, NANCY enables secure and intelligent resource management, flexible networking, and orchestration. In this direction, novel architectures, namely point-to-point (P2P) connectivity for device-to-device connectivity, mesh networking, and relay-based communications, as well as protocols for medium access, mobility management, and resource allocation will be designed. These architectures and protocols will make the most by jointly optimizing the midhaul, and fronthaul. This is expected to enable truly distributed intelligence and transform the network to a low-power computer. Likewise, by following a holistic optimization approach and leveraging the developments in blockchain, NANCY aims at…
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SYNERGISE A novel integrated SYstem of Systems streNgthening tEchnical and logistical capacities to ensure better Response to emerGencies by synergIStically addrEssing FRs capability gaps The SYNERGISE project aims at boosting the efficiency and safety of first responders during life-saving missions. The SYNERGISE team will develop a Novel Integrated Toolkit for Collaborative Response and Enhanced Situational Awareness (NIT-CRES). The toolkit shall improve the management of natural and man-made disasters whilst boosting collaboration between first responders to increase mission effectiveness and victim detection at highly challenging and complex incident sites. This will comprise a multitude of tools and services required for: 1) boosting situational awareness and sense-making by offering them the means to autonomously and synergistically perform indoor and outdoor exploration of incident sites towards victim identification whilst receiving at all times…
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UP2030 Urban Planning and design ready for 2030 UP2030 aims to support cities in driving the socio-technical transitions required to meet their climate neutrality targets by leveraging urban planning and design. Within the project city stakeholders and local authorities will be supported and guided to put neutrality on the map of their communities in day-to-day actions and strategic decisions. An innovative methodology (5UP-approach) will be developed and applied through the co-development and implementation of science-based - yet practical - tools, and methods. Inclusive participation is key throughout the project’s full cycle of activities so that real needs of communities are reflected in the city-specific visions, and co-designed interventions maximise delivery of co-benefits. As such, UP2030 will have a measured positive impact on spatial justice in the pilots and give the…
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