An Artificial Intelligent Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution
The overall aim of NANCY is to introduce a secure and intelligent architecture for the beyond the fifth generation (B5G) wireless network. Leveraging AI and blockchain, NANCY enables secure and intelligent resource management, flexible networking, and orchestration. In this direction, novel architectures, namely point-to-point (P2P) connectivity for device-to-device connectivity, mesh networking, and relay-based communications, as well as protocols for medium access, mobility management, and resource allocation will be designed. These architectures and protocols will make the most by jointly optimizing the midhaul, and fronthaul. This is expected to enable truly distributed intelligence and transform the network to a low-power computer. Likewise, by following a holistic optimization approach and leveraging the developments in blockchain, NANCY aims at supporting E2E personalized, multi-tenant and perpetual protection.
M4D participates in several of NANCY’s key WPs providing a substantial amount of work across the project lifespan. M4D actively participates in the project’s overall implementation, including the definition of use cases and network requirements, as well as the development of the network information framework. In addition, M4D participates in the design of NANCY’s B-RAN architecture and contributes to the implementation of the MEC-enabled protocol stack and AI-based B-RAN orchestration functionalities. Moreover, by utilizing its experience in AI technologies, M4D provides a critical role in facilitating the development of the AI virtualizer and self-evolving AI model. Finally, M4D contributes in integration activities, in the demonstration planning and evaluation, particularly for the in-lab testbeds, but also actively participates in the implementation of both the Greek in-lab and outdoor testbeds.