Advanced European platform and network of Cybersecurity training and exercises centres

The ACTING project delivers an organized and coordinated approach to proactively improve efficiency of cyber defence training and exercises in the European Union, through effective and efficient multi-sector collaboration. The 28 Partners, from 13 MSs, will execute a 48-month work plan to develop, model, and demonstrate a network of advanced interconnected (federated) domain-oriented cyber ranges for training and exercises, incorporating sophisticated methods and techniques for simulation of users, analysis of the performance of the cyber operators, and scoring cyber security situational awareness, supported by leading-edge scenario development language.

The ACTING project integrates study, design, prototyping, and testing activities in the domain of cyber security. In order to justify the capabilities of the proposed approach and resulting tools and platform, 3 (three) representative defence-oriented use cases were developed. Use cases include i) Combined cyber attacks against joint HQ, Land and Navy CIS systems; ii) Space-Maritime (Transportation/Military) Sectors; iii) Cascading effect for cyber-attack in civilian sector.

ACTING will also provide a framework, common standards and interfaces to interconnect existing cyber ranges, to develop technical and scoring elements of cyber defence scenarios taking as a source already developed use cases and scenarios from various external sources and projects (from Academia, Industry and EU Funded Projects) and build on top of this user performance scoring and common situational awareness system covering federated cyber ranges.

M4D has a critical role as the scientific manager of the ACTING project and by leading a WP for the State of Knowledge of all the technologies that will be researched and developed during the project. M4D is also leading the development of the Situational Awareness and Scoring prototype. Finally, it will contribute in the identification and elicitation of the requirements and the design of multiple technologies developed under the ACTING project.