Visual and textual content re-purposing FOR(4) architecture, Design and video virtual reality games
V4Design promotes the re-use of visual and textual content, such as documentaries, paintings and their critiques so as to be repurposed and be used for the inspiration of architecture and video game (VR) designing. Visual content analysis is performed through 3D reconstruction and modelling, localization of objects in visual data, automated extraction of aesthetics/style information and language understanding from visual and textual data. 3D objects are also enhanced with semantics and explanatory text descriptions.
V4Design will develop a platform that provides architects, video game creators and designers of any expertise with innovative tools necessary to enhance and simplify the creative phase of the designing process. The main idea behind V4Design is to reuse (i) visual: movies, documentaries paintings and images from other artwork and (ii) textual content: from textual documentations in films, critics, catalogues, museum guides, and re-purpose it in order in a way that will be useful for architecture and video game designers.
MKLab as a department of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece, coordinates the project with universities and companies from eight different countries.