TESSERA Towards thE dataSetS for the European secuRity dAta space for innovation The European Security Data Space for Innovation (EU SDSI) has been recognized as the cornerstone for implementing the European Data Strategy in the security domain, aiming at Europe’s data sovereignty, while having as ultimate goal to increase trust in the use of Artificial Intelligence by Law Enforcement. In this context, TESSERA aims to conduct the preparatory work for the creation of high-quality large-scale trusted and shareable datasets based on identified operational use cases, thus supporting the European Security Data Space for Innovation. Particular focus will be given on analyzing and defining the requirements ensuring the interoperability and shareability of heterogeneous datasets, whilst considering their compliance to privacy preservation and protection of fundamental human rights. TESSERA also aims to…
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IDRIVING Intelligent & Digital Roadway Infrastructure for Vehicles Integrated with Next-Gen Technologies Driving aimsto deliver a TRL 6 prototype based on seven key pillars, all designed to work synergistically to create an interactive, accurate and efficient solution to improve infrastructure safety of urban and secondary rural roads. (i) A Safety Criteria Catalogue (SCC) for all road users for secondary and urban roads. This establishes a benchmark for safety standards and KPIs, forming the foundational blueprint that guides all aspects of the iDriving system. (ii) Common communication solutions, ensuring a seamless and real-time exchange of data across a diverse range of sensors from various vehicles and road infrastructures. (iii) Innovative sensor integration on compact packages. These can be easily deployed and maintained on both vehicles and road infrastructure, particularly on secondary…
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DATAWiSE Intelligent and Sustainable Building Management powered by Cross-Sectoral Lifecycle The overall objective of DATAWiSE is to develop and test building and building portfolio management tools, leveraging cross-sectoral lifecycle data, on the basis of an open, secure, interoperable, and scalable framework, to maximize both energy efficiency and stakeholder value. Utilizing cutting-edge artificial intelligence and advanced analytics, the methodology integrates data from a variety of sources to provide a holistic understanding of building operations. Besides technological innovation, the project also incorporates a supportive market and policy framework designed to offer evidence-based pathways for widespread adoption and commercialization. DATAWiSE aims to provide a standardized approach for managing and exploiting building-related big data. M4D is the coordinator of DATAWise project. It is also responsible for the scientific and technical management of the project,…
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ONCODIR Evidence-based Participatory Decision Making for Cancer Prevention through implementation research Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancer types and its increased occurrence may be attributable to adverse health behaviours, especially in lower socioeconomic status populations. Stemming from the specific risk factors identified with CRC, ONCODIR integrates multidisciplinary research methods from health policy analytics; social and behavioural science; AI-powered multi-omics and retrospective data analytics as well as decision support theories to deliver evidence-based cancer prevention programmes and innovative AI-powered personalised prevention approaches. ONCODIR recognises that the evaluation of the ONCODIR prevention programmes needs to address cost effectiveness, affordability and cost benefit parameters. Thus, it will also investigate cost balancing and demand generating financial schemes that will lead to enhanced CRC prevention programmes. The coherent technological ecosystem that…
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i-Game Building a community for the co-creation of games with high impact on innovation, sustainability, social cohesion and growth The i-Game project aims to create an accessible open-source game development platform that will facilitate the co-creation of games by diverse actors within different ecosystems of cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSI), to enhance innovation and to bring positive impact on social cohesion and sustainability. More specifically, i-Game aspires: 1) To engage video game stakeholders of different abilities, expertise, and disciplines, to contribute, learn, share and tap into new innovative and economic opportunities; 2) To provide a collaborative platform with the tools to co-create mobile and virtual reality games by engaging different users, from different backgrounds and sectors; 3) To develop an ethical-design culture in the video game industry; 4)…
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VANGUARD adVANced technoloGical solutions coupled with societal-oriented Understanding and AwaReness for Disrupting trafficking in human beings VANGUARD aims to strengthen the fight against trafficking in human beings (THB) at the nexus of advanced technological solutions, understanding, awareness raising, and training to disrupt the trafficking chain at an early stage and address the culture of impunity. It aims to provide an improved intelligence picture of THB, with particular focus on THB for purposes of sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, and forced criminality. This will be achieved through developing a modular and trustworthy suite of tools for detecting, identifying, investigating, and preventing online-facilitated THB activities and THB-related activities at (border) checkpoints based on the analysis of online multimedia content and multimodal streams, by leveraging the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). It will…
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TESTUDO Autonomous Swarm of Heterogeneous resources in infrastructure protection via threat prediction and prevention As its surroundings changes radically and climate conditions deteriorates, Europe and its Members adapt to these current challenges. To this end and in order to maximise their usability, the EC established a framework of a common policy (EU Security Market study) by categorizing potential technologies per security domain, including Critical Infrastructure (CI) Protection. This trend is indicative for the importance and significancy that the EC gives to these matters. Any potential disruption, either intentional as a terrorist attack or a natural disaster, may risk smooth operations of such structures that may have a severe impact on a local society and its daily activities or well-being. Current advancements in various technologies can be particularly beneficial in CI…
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MultiRATE Holistic framework for the MatUrity evaLuaTIon of ReAdiness level for security TEchnologies In recent years, there are plenty of metrics that try to evaluate the maturity of products/systems/processes when identifying their deployment readiness. Even though a significant effort has been made to integrate such widely used frameworks, methodologies and indicators in products/systems/processes, their usage by EU funded security R&I projects has been limited. As a result, a robust scaling framework is more than of utmost importance. The proposed MultiRATE scaling framework will rely on existing established readiness level approaches and will formally combine them into one acceptable and reliable framework. MultiRATE will be able to evaluate and apply the readiness of all aspects of products/systems/processes. It will make a thorough research on the existing methodologies and will develop a…
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FaRADAI Frugal and Robust AI for Defence Advanced Intelligence An important crosscutting need for Artificial Intelligence is to create technologies for trustworthy autonomous and frugal learning, i.e. the ability of a system to adapt and learn from its environment, including from user supervision, for a reasonable cost and without intervention from expert developers nor regression. Such technologies can be highly disruptive and have high impacts for many capabilities, especially when the information to manage is highly variable or unpredictable and high adaptability is needed. These technologies can also alleviate the current need to provide data to the system developers to get improvements depending on such data, which can be critical when the data is confidential, and is thus critical for defence. They can more generally enhance technological independence. Selected actions…
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DiMAT Digital Modelling and Simulation for Design, Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials The DiMAT project addresses the sustainability and resilience of processes and systems within the materials manufacturing industry. An important takeaway from crises such as climate change and the pandemic was that sustainable action and resilient processes need to be the standard, not the exception. The digital transformation in the manufacturing industry (Industry 4.0, smart factory, etc.) is weakly coupled with materials science and engineering, a fact most prominent when considering that the share of the materials production cost is about 30-55 %, but the energy cost to produce a component is about 2-8 %. Large companies benefit from the close collaboration of the scientific community and the industry for the development of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME),…
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WATERVERSE Water Data Management Ecosystem for Water Data Spaces The WATERVERSE mission is to develop a Water Data Management Ecosystem (WDME) for making data management practices and resources in the water sector accessible, affordable, secure, fair, and easy to use, improving usability of data and the interoperability of data-intensive processes, thus lowering the entry barrier to data spaces, enhancing the resilience of water utilities and boosting the perceived value of data and therefore the market opportunities behind it. WATERVERSE takes a holistic, interdisciplinary approach in the water domain, blending together complementary competencies of 17 partners located in 10 EU countries, representing the water domain with Research organizations (including social sciences experts), water utilities, water domain technology providers and innovation companies, as well as the technical community that is driving the…
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AIDEAS AI Driven industrial Equipment product life cycle boosting Agility, Sustainability and resilience AIDEAS will develop AI technologies for supporting the entire lifecycle (design, manufacturing, use, and repair/reuse/recycle) of industrial equipment as a strategic instrument to improve sustainability, agility and resilience of the European machinery manufacturing companies. AIDEAS will deploy 4 integrated Suites: 1) Design: AI technologies, integrated with CAD/CAM/CAE systems, for optimising the design of industrial equipment structural components, mechanisms and control components; 2) Manufacturing: AI technologies for industrial equipment purchased components selection and procurement, manufactured parts processes optimisation, operations sequencing, quality control and customisation; 3) Use: AI technologies with added value for the industrial equipment user, providing enhanced support for installation and initial calibration, production, quality assurance and predictive maintenance for working on optimal conditions; 4) Repair-Reuse-Recycle: AI…
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ReSilence Retune the Soundscape of future cities through art and science collaboration The main objective of the ReSilence project is to support the development of art-driven technologies for designing the soundscape of future cities through the collaboration of artists, architects, urban designers, scientists, engineers and researchers, and targeting AI and XR tools addressing primarily challenges from the Urbanism/Mobility sector while exploring the borders between music and noise, and user experience measurements assessing a soundspace. The project ReSilence builds on the novel and prima facie paradoxical observation that elements of city life tend to become more silent, allowing us to question which sounds are necessary for safety and environmental awareness, and which sounds can be made more pleasant. Nowadays city planners, architects, engineers, and other scientific experts are urgently studying the…
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CHROMATA Dances, Songs, Myths and Customs for the Development of Technologies for Intangible Cultural Heritage The preservation of the intangible cultural heritage (e.g., traditional dances, songs, stories, techniques etc.) is a challenging task, since it is more difficult than maintaining tangible objects. The main purpose of the national project CHROMATA is to design and implement an interactive virtual reality platform that will gather elements of the intangible cultural heritage from available sources in areas of cultural interest and will constitute the starting point for the creation of indoor and outdoor environments of virtual and augmented reality that can (a) revive and represent the elements (e.g., traditional dances, stories, etc.) of the intangible heritage and b) create new spatial and virtual transcripts, thus promoting new uses for it. For the implementation…
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xR4DRAMA Extended Reality For DisasteR management And Media plAnning The EU-funded xR4DRAMA project aims to create a solution that will improve the situational awareness of those user groups who are responsible for handling disasters, man-made crises or public events. The groups range from first responders, local authorities and security forces to media companies and event planners. Situational awareness is crucial for them to execute tasks efficiently, plan things and take the appropriate decisions. The proof of concept of this project will focus on first responders and media companies before extending the use cases to other domains. xR4DRAMA's methodology is based on X Reality (XR) technologies, and the tool can be used remotely and on site for an augmented and shared perception of a given situation. In particular, innovative technologies will…
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i4Q Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing i4Q Project will create a framework consisting of sustainable IoT-based Reliable Industrial Data Services (RIDS), that will provide solutions for factories in handling large amounts of data. The management and analysis of data derived from the work flows of factories will assist in the prediction and optimization of manufacturing processes that subsequently leads to improved process and product quality. Cost-effective, smart and small size interconnected factory devices will be used for online monitoring and control of manufacturing and will extract huge amounts of relevant data. i4Q Solutions will employ state-of-the-art communication protocols, ensuring data accuracy, precision and integrity through distributed ledger technology. The main objectives of i4q project are: 1) to develop, design and build the i4q framework, 2) to…
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V4Design Visual and textual content re-purposing FOR(4) architecture, Design and video virtual reality games V4Design promotes the re-use of visual and textual content, such as documentaries, paintings and their critiques so as to be repurposed and be used for the inspiration of architecture and video game (VR) designing. Visual content analysis is performed through 3D reconstruction and modelling, localization of objects in visual data, automated extraction of aesthetics/style information and language understanding from visual and textual data. 3D objects are also enhanced with semantics and explanatory text descriptions. V4Design will develop a platform that provides architects, video game creators and designers of any expertise with innovative tools necessary to enhance and simplify the creative phase of the designing process. The main idea behind V4Design is to reuse (i) visual: movies,…
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ROBORDER Autonomous swarm of heterogenous robots for border surveillance Border authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) across Europe face important challenges in how they patrol and protect the borders. Their work becomes more problematic considering the heterogeneity of threats, the wideness of the surveyed area, the adverse weather conditions and the wide range of terrains. Towards delivering a solution including all such factors, the main goal of ROBORDER is to develop and demonstrate a fully-functional autonomous border surveillance system with unmanned mobile robots including aerial, water surface, underwater and ground vehicles which will incorporate multimodal sensors as part of an interoperable network. Our intention is to implement a heterogenous robot system and enhance it with detection capabilities for early identification of criminal activities at border and coastal areas along with…
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REA According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are currently more than 1 billion people worldwide (about one in seven) who have some form of disability. It is estimated that over 150 million adults worldwide face serious movement issues and are not functionally independent. Care and rehabilitation are important factors in maintaining and improving the quality of life of people with physical or mental injuries. At the same time, they have important short-term and long-term economic implications for both individuals and their families, as well as for the health system and society. With the aim of upgrading the monitoring and support technologies currently used in clinical and non-clinical rehabilitation and patient care environments, the goal of the project is to develop an innovative interconnected virtual agent with enhanced interactive…
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e-ΧΝΗΛΑΤΗΣ Intelligent spatio-temporal integration of environmental, cultural and touristic routes One of the most powerful advantages that Greece has as a travel destination is the unique way in which it combines its natural environment and cultural heritage. On one hand, lakes, rivers, caves, gorges, mountains, forests, national parks and parks, ecosystems, beaches, archaeological sites, monuments, historical sites, museums, synthesize a rich and diverse network of sites and points of interest. Many cultural events (e.g. festivals, exhibitions, concerts, performances and other artistic events, sport events, etc.) should be added to these attractions, which, on a consistent basis and throughout the year take place almost in every corner of the country. This impressive ensemble can fuel and enrich the content of large or small tourist routes and tours throughout the Greek territory…
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CONNEXIONs InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services CONNEXIONs aims to develop and demonstrate next-generation detection, prediction, prevention, and investigation services. These services will be based on multidimensional integration and correlation of heterogeneous multimodal data, and delivery of pertinent information to various stakeholders in an interactive manner tailored to their needs, through augmented and virtual reality environments. The CONNEXIONs solution encompasses the entire lifecycle of law enforcement operations including: pre-occurrence crime prediction and prevention during-occurrence LEA operations post-occurrence investigation, and crime-scene simulation and 3D reconstruction. CONNEXIONs will meaningfully enhance operational and (near) real-time situational awareness, through automated identification, interpretation, fusion and correlation of multiple heterogeneous big data sources, as well as their delivery via immersive solutions. Such multimodal data include Surface/Deep/Dark Web…
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MULTISENSOR Mining and Understanding of multilinguaL contenT for Intelligent Sentiment Enriched coNtext and Social Oriented inteRpretation The consumption of large amounts of multilingual and multimedia content regardless of its reliability and cross-validation can have important consequences on the society. An indicative example is the current crisis of the financial markets in Europe, which has created an extremely unstable ground for economic transactions and caused insecurity in  the population. The fact that the national mass media provide exaggerated and contradictory information and the inaptness to understand local contexts from different countries has a considerable share in the aggravation of the crisis. To break this spiral, we need multilingual technologies with sentiment, social and spatiotemporal competence that are able to interpret, relate and summarise economic information and news created from various local…
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beAWARE Enhancing decision support and management services in extreme weather climate events In every disaster and crisis, incident time is the enemy, and getting accurate information about the scope, extent, and impact of the disaster is critical to creating and orchestrating an effective disaster response and recovery effort. The main goal of beAWARE is to provide support in all the phases of an emergency incident. More specifically, we propose an integrated solution to support forecasting, early warnings, transmission and routing of the emergency data, aggregated analysis of multimodal data and management the coordination between the first responders and the authorities. Our intention is to rely on platforms, theories and methodologies that are already used for disaster forecasting and management and add the elements that are necessary to make them working…
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DESMOS Smart Interconnected Infrastructures for Security and Protection The goal of DESMOS project is to combine technology and human resources to provide a protection and security environment for citizens, emphasizing on tourists, by creating the appropriate infrastructure to address a set of ‘urgent’ situations. Given that the use of mobile and portable devices is now widespread, the project intends to use existing technology and customization for the benefit of citizens. Emergencies that may arise may be of a medical nature (allergies, medical conditions), dangerous incidents (e.g. thefts, vandalism) or situations encountered in crowded places (e.g. child disappearance). Within the framework of the project, a platform for participatory cooperation between people and infrastructures will be created and through the reporting of incidents and emergencies using ICT, assistance will be provided by…
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MindSpaces Art-driven adaptive outdoors and indoors design MindSpaces aims to create a novel approach to urban and architectural design by generating 3D-VR immersive and emotion-adaptive ‘neuro-environments’ that will help in designing emotionally-relevant urban spaces. The emotional aspects of an environment will be captured through the use of mobile EEG (Elecroencephalography) headsets, wearable bracelets/watches, and other physiological sensors that will be embedded with a VR-headset, so as to allow capturing the neuro-feedback of a VR-experience. The neuro-feedback will allow the virtual space to be adapted accordingly, resulting in an emotion-adaptive space. The ‘neuro-environments’ will be used at two levels of granularity. At the first level, artists and creatives will experience the ‘neuro-environments’ with the intention to improve the emotional-relevance of the urban space through the neuro-feedback of individuals, that have very-well…
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aqua3S Enhancing Standardisation strategies to integrate innovative technologies for Safety and Security in existing water networks Exposure of citizens to potential disasters has led to vulnerable societies that require risk reduction measures. Drinking water is one of the main risk sources when its safety and security are not ensured. aqua3S combines novel technologies in water safety and security, aiming to standardize existing sensor technologies complemented by state-of-the-art detection mechanisms. Hence, it could propose innovative solutions to water facilities and responsible authorities in order to detect and tackle water-related crises in a timely manner. On the one hand, sensor networks are deployed in water supply networks and sources, supported by complex sensors for enhanced detection; on the other hand, sensor measurements are supported by videos from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), satellite…
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